Git Post-Commit Formatter

Working in languages like Elixir and Rust is fun for many reasons. But one of my favorite features is the formatter. Elixir (after 1.4) comes with a formatter which is well integrated with mix and can be called using mix format. At first, the idea of a machine changing the code that I wrote for my project didn’t sound very exciting to me. But working in a team environment and being able to configure the formatter based on what best practices a project follows, made it all worth it. Moreover, the ability to run it (mix format --check-formatted or cargo fmt --check) as part of the CI to see if any new code is formatted, was a great added bonus.

I like to add my formatter commits separately since I like to run analytics on my code and like keeping my formatted commits separate. I found myself following a “format” for the commit message for the formatter updates, which always looked like: Format code (mix format). So, I wondered why not add a post-commit git hook that does that for me. So, below is the post-commit hook that I use in my elixir and rust projects (rust uses cargo fmt instead of mix format) to format the files that I changed in the previous commit in a new commit message:

For Elixir


mix format $(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r HEAD)

if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD --;then
  git add $(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r HEAD)
  exec git commit -m"Format code (\`mix format\`)"

For Rust


cargo fmt $(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r HEAD)

if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD --;then
  git add $(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r HEAD)
  exec git commit -m"Format code (\`cargo fmt\`)"

Feel free to use them and improve on them. Happy Coding!